Ardelyx Ethics Hotline

Ardelyx, Inc. (“Ardelyx” or “Company”) is committed to ensuring that employees and its contractors act in accordance with the highest ethical business standards and comply with all global, U.S., or local laws and regulations, and our Company policies including our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. To that end, the Company seeks to maintain an “open door” environment in which everyone is comfortable speaking up and raising questions about conduct that they know, or suspect, may be inappropriate, without fear of retaliation. By speaking up when you see something that may be amiss, you can help Ardelyx correct problems and learn where there may be opportunities for improvement.

Ardelyx will treat your report as confidential to the fullest extent possible but maintaining confidentiality may not always be possible. We may need to disclose some information to conduct a complete and fair investigation, to review the Company’s operations, or if required by law. You may elect to report anonymously.

This interface offers you the option to share your concerns in any one of two methods, and each method offers you the opportunity to choose whether your message will be delivered to Chief Compliance Officer and the Audit & Compliance Committee Chair, or just to the Audit & Compliance Committee Chair.

You may leave a message using any one of two methods: Secure Web Form and Secure Hotline.


Click here to view frequently asked questions

Secure Web Form

Click here to file your case using a secure and encrypted web form.

Secure Hotline

Click here to file your case using a secure hotline from any phone.

When you report your concern using any of these methods, you will receive back a 14 to 16-digit code that can be used to access the status of your report. The Chief Compliance Officer and/or the Chairman of the Audit & Compliance Committee may also use this to ask you for additional information regarding this issue.

To anonymously follow up on your message, please click here.

Ardelyx prohibits any form of retaliation, intimidation, discipline, or adverse action against anyone who reports suspected misconduct in good faith or participates in any investigation relating to such a report.

Thank you. Integrity is everyone's responsibility at Ardelyx.